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How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Well: Hints to Follow

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Well: Hints to Follow

If you have no idea how to write a 5 paragraph essay, the following hints will definitely help you out.

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay: Structural Requirements

What Is a 5 Paragraph Essay?

5 paragraphs is the minimal structure of a common essay. If you learn how to write essays, you should better start from the 5 paragraphs structure, as it has all the necessary elements to put your content in writing a paper. The 5 paragraphs essays can be written by High School as well as by Master`s students, the difference will be in content though.

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Properly?

A 5 paragraph essay has 3 main parts.

  1. Introduction

An introduction should be present in every essay in order to make a person prepared for the essay reading. An introduction actually introduces your topic. Here are some other aims of this first part of your 5 paragraph essay:

  • To Catch the Reader`s Attention

You should interest your reader with the first lines, so he will go on reading your paper. Usually, in order to make a person interested, writers start their essays with a so-called hook. This is a sentence or two placed in the very beginning, having some provocative, shocking or simply interesting data.

  • To Set the Tone of an Essay

By the first paragraph a reader understands the style of writing. Obviously, there can be an impression of a serious scientific paper or of an easy reading.

  • To Give a Background for the Topic

In your introduction you should also provide your reader with some background information, necessary for the proper understanding. You can include the scientific, social and historical context of the subject of your writing.

  • To Tell What You Will Write About

Actually this purpose is usually reached by the last sentence of introduction – the thesis statement. The thesis statement concisely and specifically tells what you will write about in the body paragraph.

  1. Body Part

The body part needs to cover the main information. Thus, the body of a 5 paragraph essay takes 3 paragraphs. The body part is the place for your personal investigation, analysis and evaluation write my essay for me. In order to avoid any confusion you should be specific and never combine two or more important issues within one paragraph. Furthermore, the information covered needs to be concise and relevant. There is no need to include too many details, because they will most likely make your paper less interesting and distract the reader`s attention.

  1. Conclusion

The conclusion creates the final impression about your essay. It should have 1 paragraph of summarizing. There should be only the main things mentioned, and the details should be omitted. Furthermore, you should make sure that there is no new information in your conclusion. While summarizing, you can put an accent on the issues, which seem to be more important for you. It is also possible to tell, what information has not been covered by the paper. Thus, you will outline your future research and investigation on the issue, as well as give the directions for others, who will decide to work on this problem.

Assistance with Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay

In fact, it is not that difficult to learn how to write a 5 paragraph essay. However, it is more difficult to fill this structure in with the relevant and interesting material. If you need assistance with essay writing here: https://write4essay.com/academic-papers, we will be glad to contribute to your writing skill`s development 24/7 helping with any kind of assignment.

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