Uzbekistan: sunny, hospitable and cognitive
East is a delicate matter. Many-voiced bazaars, azure mosques and minarets, caravanserais, a generous cuisine with an abundance of spices are the usual attributes of the state. In the ancient centuries, the Great Silk Road was here; thanks to this fact Chinese goods "settled" and trade flourished in the area. The rest in Uzbekistan is chosen by the adherents of the Eastern culture, who are not ready to overpay for more expensive directions. The country of Central Asia is available for a budget visit: hotels, dinner at the restaurant, get-to-know tours will cost quite cheap.
Since Uzbekistan is interesting for cognitive purposes, the best seasons for Uzbekistan package are spring or autumn. Summer day, the air temperature in the shade exceeds +40 ° C, which makes it impossible to stay on the street for a long. Prices in Uzbekistan for apartments and food are moderate, which is an undisputed plus for the thrifty tourist.
The main cities of the country are Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.
The former academic capital of the East Samarkand managed to preserve the architectural monuments of the epoch of Tamerlane's rule in excellent condition. He built the city from the ruins after the raids of Genghis Khan's troops. A cognitive journey through Uzbekistan should be started from the Registan Square, admiring the blue roofs of the temples, and then visit the largest prayer house Bibi-Khanum.
In Samarkand, in addition to the excursions, visit the museum of winemaking, which is no less impressive in its essence. Plus you will be offered a tasting of unique wines at the operating winemaking plant named after. M. A. Khovrenko. The history of the creation of the winery is interesting in its own way. Here the famous fine wines Shirin, Gulyakandoz, Cabernet, Aleatico, Farhad and Uzbekistan are produced. You will be offered the best grades of wines, starting from the most delicate wine with a delicate bouquet of Gulyakandoz and ending with a strong and warming cognac Zarafshan. Only here you can buy the best wines of Uzbekistan.
In Gijduvan visit the potter's workshop of Alisher Narzullayev. The dynasty of ceramist masters Narzullaev from Gijduvan is known all over the world. Their ceramics are works of art. You can buy ceramics here.
The historical heart of Bukhara is UNESCO's heritage. Here there are man-made masterpieces, the age of which exceeds 2 thousand years! Bukhara is considered the most ancient settlement of the empire, through which the Great Silk Road ran. To this day, there is a multitude of shopping centers and markets.
Khiva, the oldest center of Khorezm Khanate, is divided into internal and external parts. The first part was preserved quite well. It abounds with beautiful buildings. The second one was not destroyed, but even in ruins the past greatness is glimpsed. Excursion tours to Uzbekistan lead to Khiva! A huge number of its valuable facilities are under world protection.
Since the time of Ivan the Terrible the city of Tashkent has begun to attract special attention to the tsarist authorities and the Russian merchants. From the beginning of the XVIII century, politicians, traders and scientists began to take an interest in it. This began to happen after visiting Russia by envoys (diplomats) of the Tashkent rulers. These visits led to the rapid penetration into the scientific literature of information about the history of the cities of Uzbekistan, the political and economic position of Tashkent.
Today Tashkent is a megalopolis with its own culture, fashion, and, of course, sights. Historically, the city is conditionally divided into 2 parts. These are the old part of the city with ancient madrassahs, mosques and workshops, and a new city, where the cultural life is zipping in accordance with all the laws of the modern capital. There are also many attractions and recreational facilities.
The territory of today's Uzbekistan is a cultural center not only of Central Asia, but of the whole medieval East for centuries and millennia. The country, which was the melting pot of cultures, customs and languages for many centuries, has a surprisingly rich spiritual and cultural heritage. According to international experts, there are more than 4000 historical and architectural monuments of world significance in Uzbekistan. Add to this the natural beauty fine cuisine and skillful crafts, and you will realize that all life is not enough to cover all the advantages of the country.